“I felt drawn to Alexandra’s course, it was an intuitive pull that I was meant to be a part of it, so I jumped in. In the past, I’ve done courses because my mind told me ‘If you do this, you’ll achieve XYZ’. I’d seen that happen many times and as such, I’d stopped doing courses, and only saying yes to things that were intuitively driven - coming from a place of abundance versus lack.

My purpose in doing the course was to support my book writing process, something I’m working on at the moment, and also, to get to know myself better, as a writer and a person. I believe that everything’s connected, but sometimes I can’t see it. At my mid-point check-in with Alexandra, I felt like I didn’t know where the course was going, but in our discussion, I realized, I didn’t need to know where the course was going - Alexandra knew where it was going and she was the one steering the ship, I got to enjoy the ride - how freeing is that?

In our last session with Alexandra, I was able to see all the pieces of my ‘puzzle’ drop in together and I realized that I don’t need to be constantly searching for ’the next thing and that my role is just to be - again super freeing. Since wrapping up the course, I’ve continued to let go, decluttering my life from ’things’ and from ‘who I used to be’, to become who I am at my core. Things are getting clearer as I continue to use the techniques Alexandra shared with me, and as I continue to open up and explore what I’m truly meant to be doing in the world and who I am. I’m continuing to write, podcast, and coach, but I’m now adding in video media through storytelling, which I never expected.”

“I first found Alexandra through her Creative Healing group work. Together with 7 other women, Alexandra took us on a journey of self-reflection and creative inquiry in order to begin healing ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. Alexandra curated the perfect group of women; we were all unique and yet complimented each other so well.

Together with Alexandra's guidance, we worked together to explore, heal, and lift each other, quickly creating bonds that will last a lifetime. Alexandra's unique approach to healthful living through creativity, combined with her genuine and authentic caring for her clients made the journey one of the most impactful I had experienced.

After the group concluded, I decided to work with Alexandra one-on-one to continue opening my mind, body and spirit to healing. Through the process, I tapped into creativity in myself which I I thought I had lost decades ago. Not only was I able to get back into writing not only for introspection but also for sheer joy, I also took up pottery and reignited my love for photography. Through these creative outlets, along with weekly sessions with Alexandra, I was reacquainted with my past self and also learned how to grow into this new stage of life feeling lighter, happier, healthier and free. 

Creativity is such a core facet to energy and vitality, yet it is so often overlooked in society and as adults we're made to feel like we're somehow not good/talented enough to find joy in it. Alexandra's Creative Healing program is proof that tapping into your creativity in a loving, safe space is the key to long-term happiness and success in every aspect of life. 

Alexandra takes you on a journey that feels easy, effortless, and full of warmth while healing your body inside and out. She approaches each client as their own unique, beautiful soul, and the results speak for themselves. Through finding joy in my inner creativity, I have lost weight, gained energy, taken on a new outlook to even everyday tasks, and found fulfillment in my relationships, especially the most important of all...my relationship with myself.”

— Beth


“I found working with Alexandra educational, enjoyable, and life-changing. She listened to my needs and concerns and found out about my lifestyle. She then made suggestions that would fit with the way I live my life. She gave me the tools to make changes to the way I view food and the way I eat while giving me the physiological background behind such changes.

Alex took the time to learn about my health history and different areas of my life and how these may impact my eating habits and patterns. She gave me ideas for making changes in eating, and then followed up with how these changes made me feel and if they were successful. And then gave me further suggestions based on my feedback. Working with Alex was interactive and I always felt that I was being listened to and heard.

She gave me a roadmap for a lifelong approach to weight management and good nutrition, all the while in a comfortable and safe setting where I could be myself and express myself honestly without feeling judged or intimidated.”


I had the great fortune to be part of one of Alexandra Soiseth's groups. Each week, she framed a subject and invited us to explore the links between our beliefs & trauma responses, and challenges in adopting & sustaining desired lifestyle changes. With her gentle guidance, she used the power of the group to deliver a transformative experience.

If you're seeking "what, why and how" for addressing (particularly eating-related) challenges, I highly recommend this knowledgeable and intuitive teacher.